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five days Workshop On Achieving Educational Objectives for School Teachers held in May 2024

Work shop


 Achieving Educational Objectives for School Teachers



Teachers guide the destiny of the society and nation through proper handling of future citizens. Since the status of teachers and condition of teacher education have a direct bearing on the quality of education, therefore occasional update and upgrade of teacher educators is inevitable.

Research and Extension Cell of Al-Barkaat Institute of Education is aspiring to organize a 5 days’ workshop on “Achieving Educational Objectives for School Teachers”.

It was started from 27 May 2024 to 31 May 2024 in computer lab of ABPS Junior wing. The work shop was divided into two sessions. The first session was started at 10:00am to 11:30am and the second session which was based on activity was started at 12:00 noon to 1:00 pm.

Day 1

The first Session was started at 10:00 am. The resource person of the session was Mrs. Shagufta, Assistant Professor, Al Barkaat Institute of Education. The topic which she covered was “Role and responsibilities of a good teacher”. This was an interactive session and she covered the topic with the help of attractive and interesting ppts. She emphasized on the importance teacher in one’s life. She also highlighted the qualities of good &ideal teacher, its role and responsibities in demolishing the ill practices in the society. How a teacher copes up with the situations and challenges and helps the students to build up their personality

The second session was started at 12:00 noon. In this activity based session all the participants wrote their views about “Their Role Model Teacher Who Inspired Them and Help to Modify Their Personality”. Assessment was done on Google form. Teachers were asking questions to clear their doubts.

Day 2

The resource person of the session of Day 2 was Dr.Afshan Anees, Assistant Professor, Al Barkaat Institute of Education. The topic which she covered was “Innovative Method and Techniques to Make Teaching Learning Effective”. She highlighted the different innovative method of teaching. How the teacher makes their classroom interactive and lesson interesting by introducing the innovative method of teaching. The second session was an activity session. In this session resource person assign a task to draw mind mapping of any topic of their teaching subject.

Day 3

Dr Rubina Shahnaz, Principal, Al Barkaat Institute of Education was the resource person of the session of Day 3. The topic she covered “New Approaches of Teaching and learning (subject wise)”. In her presentation she highlighted the different approaches of learning like law of readiness etc. she also highlighted the term of gamification and its importance in teaching learning process. In the activity session the entire participants prepare any topic of their interest or subject through gamification. The whole session was very interesting and interactive.

Day 4

There were two resource persons of 4th day of workshopMs Shagufta was the first resource, the topic which she covered was “Teaching skills”. She delivered her presentation with the help of attractive ppts. In her lecture-cum interactive session, she highlighted the different teaching skill and its importance in teaching learning environment.

The second resource person was Dr. Afshan Anees. She presented her topic on “Challenges and Issues in Classroom. In her presentation she highlighted the different issues and challenges which teachers as well students face in day to day school environment. She also provides its remedies that how to get rid of the emerging challenges and issues.

The activity session was based on the both the topic i.e “Teaching skills and “Challenges and Issues in Classroom. The activity is based on case study of any student of a school whom a teacher helped out in identified problem and also provides its solution by using different skills to overcome the problem.

Day 5

The resource person of the last Day of work shop was Dr.Rubina Shahnaz, Principal Al Barkaat Institute of Education. The topic of her presentation was “life Skill”. She throws a light on different life skills, its importance and its use in making teaching learning process effective

On the same the day after her presentation valedictory session was organized .Dr Saba Hasan, vice principal ABK union school AMU was the guest of valedictory session. She also shares their views on “Role Of Life Skills In The Development Of One’s Personality”. After her presentation Dr Ahmad Mujtaba, Joint Screartry ABEI, formally welcome the guest of Honour Dr Jamil, Department of pharmacology, AMU Aligarh and Dr Saba Hasan, vice principal ABK union school AMU. In this session Mr.S.M Aman (Executive members of Al-Barkaat Education Society) was also delivered their motivating thoughts. Dr Ahmad Mujtaba (joint secretary of Al-Barkaat Education Society) felicitates the guests by given the certificate and memento. He also gave a vote of thanks to all the organizing committee of work shop. Certificates were also distributed to all the resource persons and participants followed by the refreshment.