In pursuance of its Action Plan for performance evaluation, assessment and accreditation and quality up-gradation of institutions of higher education, the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), Bangalore
If Education, and particulary Higher Education, is to serve as the level to the great surge forard of the Indin nation, the scourage of ragging which corrodes the vitals of our campuses need to be curbed.
Al-Barkaat Institute of Education has initiated Online Programs during Pandemic COVID19. The first series of 5 Days Online Program was Career Oriented Vital Intellectual Demands was introduced in April and will continue in future.
Teacher education has to become more sensitive to the emerging demands of the school system. For this, it has to prepare teachers for the role of being an encouraging, supportive and human facilitator in teaching learning situations
We offer Teacher Training Programmes
We offer Teacher Training Programmes with a unique opportunity of engaging trainees actively and thoughtfully with relevant issues in education. This style of engagement helps students to develop a reflective, exploratory and critical approach to learning, rather than a static acceptance of ideas and practices.
Our teachers
Our teachers are updated through regular workshops / orientation programmes and Guest Lectures by eminent educationists and academicians for latest pedagogical advances.
Report on 15 August 2024 (INDEPENDENCE DAY) On 15 August 2024, Independence Day was celebrated at Al-Barkaat Educational Society in Aligarh. The students of…
Report: In accordance with the Uttar Pradesh Government's orders, ABIE organized the 'Tiranga Rally' with great enthusiasm and patriotism. All students participated in the…