Webinar on NEP 2020: Futuristic & Innovative Vision of Education
A Webinar on NEP 2020-Futuristic & Innovative Vision of Education has been organized successfully. Eminent speakers from AMU, Aligarh had joined this webinar to highlight the features and recommendations of this policy paper. Dean, Faculty of Social Science, Prof. Nisar Ahmad Khan highlighted the Recommendations for Higher Education in the light of NEP 2020. Prof. Nasrin, Chairperson, Dept. of Education, AMU, Aligarh elaborated School Education in coordination with Teacher Education. Prof. Mirza Asmer Beg, Dept. of Political Science, AMU, Aligarh discussed the Recommendations for Professional & Adult Education bringing together Political Perspective of Languages as elaborated in NEP 2020. Dr. Mohd. Nisar, Dept. of Law, AMU, Aligarh spoke about the Legal Perspectives of NEP 2020. The welcome address was delivered by Dr. A.M. Siddiqui, Joint Secretary, ABES. The webinar was attended by more than 90 participants continuously online from 12:30 to 3:15 pm on Google Meet. A vote of thanks was proposed by Principal, ABIE, Aligarh. The technical assistance provided by Mr. Naved Alam(ABIE), Mr. Zuber (ABIMS), and Mr. Asher(ABPS) from sister institutions is noteworthy. Mr. Wamiq Mirza also needs appreciation for his continuous support in the technical assistance of Internet Facilities. Thanks to the Management for giving the opportunity to organize the webinar. My gratitude for the continuous support and morale-boosting of Dr. A.M. Siddiqui, JS, ABES & Incharge ABIE Mr. S.M. Aman in organizing this event.