Seminar on ‘Logical Explanation of Scientific Discoveries and Exhibition’
One Day Seminar on ‘Logical Explanation of Scientific Discoveries and Exhibition’ has been organized by District Minority Welfare Officer in Al-Barkaat Institute of Education on 9/12/2017 for the promotion of scientific discoveries among Madarsa students. The students of aided Madarsas have participated in skit on “Vigyan aur uske Chamatkar” and essay writing competition on “Science: Boon or Bane” organized during the occasion. Dr. Pramod Mishra, Associated Member of National Child Science Congress from Allahabad, has presented the logical explanation of the scientific discoveries by performing various activities. At the end of the programme school begs and certificates have been distributed to the participants. An amount of one thousand rupees has also been given to the winner of the essay writing competition and skit competition each. The occasion has been graced by Mr. Subhash Chandra Sharma, the Commissioner of Aligarh District as the Chief Guest and Dr. Amrita Singh, District Minority Welfare Officer as the Special Guest. Many other District Officers have also joined the programme.