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The 2nd mock interview drill conducted on 21 march, 2024



2nd Mock Interview Drill

Date of Mock Interview: 21.03.2024

Day: Thursday

Venue: Room no.15, ABIE

Placement cell of ABIE was organized the second mock interview drill on 21st March 2024 in ABIE. The drill was started at 11:00 am sharp.

The purpose of mock interview drill is helps candidates gain confidence with the chance to reflect on their non-verbal and verbal communication abilities. It helps students to learn how to answer difficult questions, develop interview strategies, improve their communication skills and reduce stress before an actual job interview. Thus, mock interviews aim to provide aspiring candidates with a way to assess their condition which will determine how they perform in the actual interviews.

B.Ed student of 2nd year took part in this drill. Dr Rubina Shahnaz (Principal ABIE) Mr. Himanshoo. K. Sharma, Mrs.Shagufta, and Dr Afshan Anees were in the interview panel of Mock drill. The participated students were evaluated on the basis of their presentation, subject knowledge, confidence, general awareness and their method of teaching and also gave suggestion for further improvement.

Incharge placement cell ABIE

Dr Afshan Anees